This purchase will make you a VIP++ on the Au 5x Monthly Server for 30 Days
Package description.
- In Game Title: VIP++
- Tool Cupboard Base Upgrade and Repair Time 0.1s (Default 1.5s)
- Ability to set 10 Homes. (Default is 3)
- No TP Cooldown timer.
- TP countdown timer 5 seconds. (Default is 20)
- Access to TPB (Teleport Back To Last Location)
- Extra 100% XP for Skill Tree Plugin
- Skill Tree Respec Cost: 5 (Default: 20)
- Days of inactivity till base removed; 14. (Default is 5)
- Backpack size: 60 (Default is 30)
- Rust Rewards Multiplier; 1.5
- Hackable crate timer: 60 seconds.
- Access to Night Vision (/NV) plugin which lets you set time of day.
- 4x Elevator Speed
- Jetpack doesn't require any fuel.
- No Collision Damage When flying a Jetpacks.
- Keep Backpack On Death
- Instant Takeoff with Minicopter and Scrapheli
- Access to AbsolutSorter
- Access to Kit VIP++
- Kit Cooldown: 3.5D